
How To Add Subscribe Link To Wordpress Blog

Connect or Disconnect List Subscribe for WordPress

We offer a handy plugin, List Subscribe for WordPress, to help you add a Mailchimp signup form widget to your WordPress site. Install the plugin to design a beautiful signup form that syncs to your Mailchimp list. As with most plugins, you can choose to disconnect at any time.

In this article, you'll learn how to connect or disconnect the List Subscribe for WordPress plugin.

Before you start

Here are some things to know before you begin this process.

  • First, generate an API Key in Mailchimp so you can connect the plugin.
  • This process is managed in your WordPress Admin panel. Learn how to find your Admin Panel.
  • This plugin creates a form widget that works with sites only. To find out what options are available on sites, check out other signup form options.
  • Optional advanced installation: If you have a custom-coded sidebar or another WordPress feature that disables widgets, learn how to install the plugin's shortcode.

How it works

When subscribers sign up via the signup form widget on your WordPress site, we'll pass their data to your Mailchimp list, including email address, name, and any other list field or group info that you want to collect.

Example signup form

image: screenshot of a sample form created by the plugin

Connect List Subscribe for WordPress

To connect this plugin, you'll complete a three-part process: add the plugin to your WordPress Admin Panel, customize your signup form, and drag the Mailchimp Form Widget to your site.

Add the plugin

To add the List Subscribe for WordPress plugin, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your WordPress Admin Panel.
  2. In the left navigation panel, click Plugins, and choose Add New.
    Image: a screenshot of the cursor clicking Add New in the Plugins section
  3. Search or scroll to locate the Mailchimp List Subscribe Form, and click Install Now.
    Image: a screenshot of the Mailchimp plugin icon.
  4. Click Activate Plugin.

Now that the plugin is activated, you've got a few more steps to go: customize your signup form, and place the form widget.

Customize your form

To connect to Mailchimp and customize your signup form, follow these steps.

  1. On the Plugins page, click Settings under Mailchimp.
    Image: a screenshot of the settings link for Mailchimp's plugin.
  2. Paste your Mailchimp API key into the field, and click Connect.
    image: a screenshot of the connect page for the plugin
    To complete this part of the process, you'll need a Mailchimp API Key. Find out how to generate a new key in About API Keys.
  3. Click the Select A List drop-down menu, and choose which Mailchimp list to connect to.
    image: a screenshot of the settings page, where you select your mailchimp list
  4. Click Update List.
  5. In the provided sections on the Setup page, customize your form settings.
  • Content Options: Customize the text of your form's header, subheader, and submit button.
  • Remove CSS : Disable Mailchimp's CSS (advanced option).
  • Custom Styling: Edit the border, color, and text of your form.
  • List Options : Enable Referral program, JavaScript support, and double or single opt-in.
  • Merge Fields Included : Choose to show or hide certain Mailchimp fields from your signup form.
  • Group Settings : Show or hide Mailchimp group options.

image: a screenshot of wordpress form settings

  1. After you update each section on this page, click Update Subscribe Form Settings.

Your signup form is now customized, and you're almost done!

Place widget on your site

After you customize your form, we'll add a Mailchimp Widget to the Appearance section of your Admin Panel. Decide where you want the form widget to appear, and drag and drop it to your site. You'll only need to do this once.

To place your form widget, follow these steps.

  1. In the left sidebar, navigate to Appearance, and click Widgets.
    Image: a screenshot of the wordpress menu, with the cursor clicking appearance and choosing widgets.

  2. Drag the Mailchimp Widget into one of your widget areas, like your sidebar or footer, and click Save.
    image: a screenshot of the Mailchimp widget area in wordpress.

You're all set! Now your WordPress visitors can sign up for your Mailchimp newsletter.

Disconnect List Subscribe for WordPress

If you ever need to disconnect the plugin, you can do it anytime. Disconnecting removes any Mailchimp form widgets from your site, but does not affect your Mailchimp list or subscriber data.

To disconnect List Subscribe for WordPress, follow these steps.

  1. Log in to your WordPress Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to Plugins, and click Installed Plugins.
    image: a screenshot of installed plugins in wordpress.
  3. Search or scroll to locate Mailchimp, and click Deactivate.
    image: a screenshot of the deactivate link
  4. After the page refreshes, search or scroll to locate Mailchimp, and click Delete.
    image: a screenshot of the delete link.
  5. On the Delete Plugin page, click Yes, delete these files.
    image: a screenshot of the Delete Plugin page for List Subscribe for WordPress.

The List Subscribe for WordPress plugin has now been removed.

If you want to try another type of form, read about all the options available for Mailchimp signup forms.

How To Add Subscribe Link To Wordpress Blog


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