
What Is A Dual Lens Camera

Credit: Huawei

Contempo generations of Android smartphones have embraced the idea that the more lenses on the camera, the better it is. There's some truth to that simply it'southward not the whole story.

Here's what you demand to know nearly triple-lens, dual-lens and quad-lens cameras, whether they live up to the hype and whether or not yous should take them into account before ownership your next smartphone.

Lights, Camera, Action

OK. Let's start with the basics. You're probably familiar with the functionality of the camera on the back of your smartphone of choice. However, if you lot aren't, information technology's worth covering the mechanics involved before we start talking nearly multi-lens hardware.

At their simplest level, cameras employ a sensor to capture light in the grade of an image. This central dynamic is identical across both full-frame and DSLR cameras and the cameras on modern smartphones and tablets.

The calibration is what's unlike. Where Nikon or Catechism latest rely on sensors that are measured in dozens of millimeters, the sensors inside smartphones are significantly smaller. This means that the level of information and detail (in other words, calorie-free) they can capture is significantly reduced.

Both the Moto G5s Plus and Moto X4 pack impressive dual-lens cameras Credit: Fergus Halliday | IDG
Both the Moto G5s Plus and Moto X4 pack impressive dual-lens cameras

Despite these limitations, smartphone cameras accept improved significantly in contempo years - specially with the arrival of multi-lens designs.

In addition, the rise of social media and platforms like Instagram have shifted the expectations of consumers about what level of image quality is considered acceptable for publication.

If yous're simply publishing your photos to Snapchat, Twitter or Facebook, yous probably don't demand to be shooting every shot in RAW. Under these new circumstances, information technology's no surprise that apprentice smartphone photographers have thrived.

Dual Lens Cameras Explained

Although dual-lens cameras were technically introduced to the smartphone market past the HTC Ane M8 in 2011, it was Huawei'due south P9 in 2016 that arguably popularised the feature in mainstream handsets.

Credit: Huawei

At the time, the Huawei P9 featured both an RGB sensor and a monochrome one. The idea here being that, since it doesn't need to recall near colors, the latter sensor is able to choice upward a lot more than particular than the former. The two pictures taken with every snap are then cleanly synthesized together to create a more authentic final image.

This dual-lens setup tin can also be used to produce bokeh-like effects for portrait photography, since at that place are two sensors at work.

While the Google Pixel was renowned for its ability to offering portrait photography using a unmarried sensor, it is the exception rather than the dominion. Most smartphone manufacturers required a 2d camera lens in order to reproduce the depth of field event with any consistency.

Now, this is where things go interesting. The in a higher place isn't the but kind of dual-lens configuration out there and not all dual-lens cameras are created equal. Where Huawei's approach emphasized image quality, others chose to implement dual-lens cameras in pursuit of utility.

The mode this was done is through the kind of lenses used. In Huawei's example, the P9 essentially merged captured images - so it didn't make sense for the 2 lenses to be different sizes or shapes.

iphone-8-project-red-100754506-orig.jpg Credit: Apple tree

Other manufacturers took a different approach. LG'south G5 paired up a regular sensor with a secondary wide-angle ane. The thought being that by giving users the ability to easily produce new styles of photography, it would make their handset more compelling to creators.

In these kinds of camera configurations, your telephone essentially has ii miniature cameras on the dorsum of information technology rather than one camera that synthesizes the data from 2 lenses.

Building on this, you arrive at the kind of dual-lens camera that chop-chop became the most popular. Instead of a monochrome or wide-angle lens, phones like the Apple tree iPhone 8 Plus relied on secondary telephoto lens.

Past doing and then, they managed to eke out an appealing middle footing between the higher up approaches. The addition of a telephoto lens made it much easier to produce authentic and professional looking portrait photography and it offered upward a different style of photography than the primary lens.

Enter the P20

Where the Huawei P9 worked to make the dual-lens photographic camera mutual, the Huawei P20 Pro introduced consumers to what a triple-lens camera could do.

Huawei'south triple-lens setup combined the strengths of their previous dual-lens setup and looked to address the areas where it fell curt, specifically zoom. To that end, the Chinese manufacturer incorporated a forty-megapixel primary sensor, a twenty-megapixel monochrome sensor and an 8-megapixel telephoto sensor.

Credit: Fergus halliday

All upwards, the P20 was able to offer up to 5x hybrid zoom - well beyond the 2x zoom offered by dual-lens cameras of the time.

Although the P20 was the frontrunner of the smartphone photography globe for some time, it didn't have long for others to take hold of up. Some brands did this sooner than others. However, the question of whether consumers preferred more options to better results emerged in one case again.

To try and answer that question some manufacturers looked to build a dissimilar kind of triple lens camera: one that combined a regular lens, a wide-angle lens and a telephoto lens. You didn't become the allegiance or extended zoom offered by Huawei's P20  but you did give consumers the ability to shoot 3 distinct kinds of photos and video content.

It wasn't until the arrival of smartphone cameras begetting an ultra-broad angle lens that manufacturers began to deploy devices with quad-lens cameras and beyond.

Saturation Point

If you lot've been post-obit along, this next part will probably sound a petty familiar.

Faced with the popularity of ultra-broad lenses, manufacturers faced a selection - retire one of the lenses in their existing triple-lens setups or add together another lens into the mix.

Unsurprisingly, nigh chose the latter.

Adding to this was the emergence of time-of-flight and dedicated depth sensors. Though not usable in any sort of standalone sense, these components added to the sophistication of smartphone camera arrays and often competed with additional lenses for space.

Credit: Motorola

Sometimes the telephoto lens got dropped from the equation. Other manufacturers chose to make the wide-bending lens into the primary 1. A few have even introduced macro lenses.

As more than and more quad-lens smartphone cameras enter the market, information technology's becoming increasingly clear that there is no unmarried formula for what a multi-lens photographic camera looks like.

Triple-Lens vs Quad-Lens cameras: which do I want?

If in that location's annihilation you should have taken away from this article, it's that, while more lenses are usually meliorate than less lenses, it's best to go for the device with a lens-setup that actually favors the kind of photos or video content you lot desire to make.

If you want a trivial scrap of extra zoom, a triple-lens camera that includes a telephoto lens is going to be a better fit than a quad-lens device that goes all in on wide-angle photography.

At the end of the day, information technology's non about how many lenses are on your phone. It's about what you do with them.

mate-20-mate-20-pro-100776762-orig.jpg Credit: Adam Patrick Murray/IDG

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Tags Smartphone PhotographySmartphone Camerasdual-lens camerasTriple-Lens camerasQuad-lens cameras


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